Auction Deal

Please enter the research for a future auction that you plan to attend and need funds for it. Please submit your research at least 15 business days prior to the auction.

Important warning: we will only accept auction research in which the researcher is in the county and can help us with up-to-date photos of the property, as well as with any demands necessary to attend the auction in person or to be our on-site person to deal with the necessary contracts for maintenance or renovation of the property.

We will contact you with the result of your research within 3 business days.

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Your information

Auction Information

Date / Time

Address information

Auction information

Business record information

Disclaimer: We only accept copyright photos of properties.

Spreadsheet submission

For auctions, all information must be sent completely, not just the items of interest. Independent properties will only be a common field in the case of NON-AUCTION items.

It is required that all data is entered into the spreadsheet. Failure to provide all data will result in an incomplete survey, leading to automatic rejection.

Please note that the screening and contact process after submission will take 5 business days to allow for response and analysis time.
Only files in .XLSX, .CSV or .XLS and up to 20MB.
Only files in .XLSX, .CSV or .XLS and up to 20MB.
Our terms